Materi Speaking Bahasa Inggris SMA

Monday, March 26, 2012

Materi speaking bahasa Inggris SMA ini adalah kumpulan materi wajib pelajaran bahasa Inggris di tingkat SMA. Baik itu kelas 10, 11, atau 12. Dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris, siswa biasanya ditugaskan untuk memahami berbagai expression (ungkapan) sehari-hari.

Tujuan mempelajari speaking tentu agar siswa bisa lancar berbicara bahasa Inggris, khususnya dialog yang sering terjadi setiap hari. Untuk mempermudah mempelajari urutan materi speaking tersebut, mari kita kumpulkan berbagai materi speaking & conversation yang sering diajarkan di sekolah tingkat menengah atas di bawah ini:


  1. Using expressions of greeting, introducing, parting
  2. Using expressions of happiness
  3. Using expressions of sympathy and showing affection
  4. Using expressions of making, accepting, and declining an invitation
  5. Using expressions of making and cancelling an appointment
  6. Congratulating and complementing
  7. Expressing gratitude


  1. Using expressions of giving and asking for opinion
  2. Using expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
  3. Using expressions of giving advice and warning
  4. Using expressions of requests
  5. Using expressions of relief, pain, and pleasure
  6. Expressing the meaning in a public speaking context as a MC
  7. Expressing the meaning in a public speaking context as a news reader
  8. Expressing the meaning in a public speaking context as a show presenter
  9. Using expressions of attitude (giving opinion, agreement and disagreement)
  10. Using expressions of love
  11. Using expressions of sadness
  12. Using expressions of anger, embarrassment and annoyance
  13. Performing a song
  14. Performing drama


  1. Using expressions of making suggestions, requests and instructions
  2. Using expressions of blaming and accusing
  3. Using expressions of making a promise, swearing and deterrence
  4. Using curious expressions
  5. Using expressions of possibilities and showing attitudes
  6. Using expressions of persuading, encouraging, and hoping
  7. Using expressions of criticizing and deterring
  8. Using expressions of regret
  9. Using expressions of asking plans, purposes, and intentions

Semoga untuk kedepan, berbagai materi expressions di atas bisa disajikan secara lebih detail dengan menyertakan cara penggunaannya dan contoh dialog bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan. 

Jika ada perbedaan materi speaking bahasa Inggris SMA di atas, mohon dikoreksi..

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